Tuesday, December 8, 2009

focusfocusfocus - fuck

i don’t even know what to write.

i’m in bed with my roommate

she’s doing homework

i should be studying – i’m not.

i just ate pizza – i told myself i would stop eating carbs.

i need to lose a few pounds, i’m starting to feel self conscious

how is your day?

what did you doo??

i hung out with my roommate all day :) i needed her for some bonding time – we had lunch with bianca :) :) talked about a whole bunch of stuff, then at two i had planned on getting some food with an old friend from waay long ago – he’s visiting some family in jersey, he moved to virginia a few years ago – so he told me he was here and we wanted to see eachother – he’s a really good looking kid, i’ve always kind of had a thing for him, we went out a couple of times – but theres no spark, never was, we’re cool as friends. so anyway – at around 1:40 amanda and i were craving hot chocolate, so we wanted startbucks – we rushed to the car and dipped, i told my friend to meet up with us at the starbucks, so he did – we talked for like three hours, and then we had to split; amanda’s friend’s car got towed & she offered to drive him to the shop where they towed it to. then amanda told me she would drive me home and sleepover :] so here we are, in bed – right now, enjoying eachother’s company haahahahahh that makes me sound like such a les – it’s cool, we’re both straight, not that theres anything wrong with liking your own kind, but we’ve got a relationship close to one sisters would have, neither of us have a sister – so it makes everything alright.

my head hurts; i have an exam tomorrow – i didn’t study for, i should study, i totally don’t want to – but i should.

amanda keeps looking at my laptop – STOP IT.

ok, i’m leaving.


[Via http://missannakay.wordpress.com]

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