Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sweetiegirlz' bunny suit and other deep thoughts

     The funny get up I’m wearing is called a “ bunny suit. “  If anyone goes on the surgical floor, they must don one of these cute one piece suits, and paper booties, and and hat and mask.  Everyday brings surprises nowdays at work.  I had to put this on this morning around 8:30 a.m.  tell me what I’m doing!    Am I ?   a.  having a simple surgical procedure done.   b.  trying to find the surgeon to give him an urgent message.  or c.  bringing a camera to the operating room so the team can take a picture of the surgery.

*tell you later!*

The rest of today was “meh!”  Clouds and artic air descended on Kansas like a cold slap in the face this morning.  Literally it went from 35 degrees to 20 with a windchill of 7 degrees.   Flurries fell steadily for awhile, raising hopes for an early let out.  but then…they didn’t stick.  It was just cold enough to piss everyone off.     Paperwork was casual, but steady.  Life was reasonable but anxious.   I had a bad taste in my heart from a long talk I had with “him” Last night.  Talk about hashing things out!  It’s not a talk we haven’t had a gazillion times before, okay.  divorce. yada yada.  the girlz, yep yeppers.  discipline, money, love and romance…all on the table.  


 His bottom line:  ARE YOU TELLING ME IT’S DONE?  are you telling ME  it’s DONE?  Because I don’t care.  I can take care of myself.   Just tell me it’s over and it will be over. 


I hate drama!   On the one hand, I have him and on the other hand, I have big A, fussing about moving.  We went out to eat tonight as a family, for the first time in a long time.  she’s fretting constantly.   Drinking her lemonade.  talking about “why can’t we just stay here one more year?  my friends are all here. I just wanna finish 9th grade here.”  Then she puts her head down and cries.  It was so pitiful.


 How does a kid understand Uncle Sam’s orders?  Military kids have life rough.  This is really around the same time as my two older kids got tired of traveling around and went to stay with their dad, so they could be in one spot, among other reasons. 


   I don’t really have an answer for Big A except I told her that it was okay to feel sad, but she needed to try and find ways to accept our moving again, so that she can feel okay soon.   Really, it won’t matter if I’m with or without their dad,  we must move next year and that is that.  there is no way around it. 

[Via http://sweetiegirlz.wordpress.com]

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