Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Life, part deux

We are dealt curve balls in life, and your not always prepared to catch them.  I was dealt a curve ball lately, didn’t really know how to catch it, in fact I pretty much missed it, but hopefully now that I have picked it up I can save the game.  It just sucks now, it seems like in this one play the people who were watching are really doubting my ability.  I guess time will tell.

I will say that I am exhausted, nervous, and still a little sad, but I am hopeful.  I believe that the situation I am in is different from any other situation someone has been in & they couldn’t possibly understand.  But there is one that does, and I hope they will still be there.

Learned a lesson tonight, no matter how good of a friend you think you have, no will ever be “totally” honest with you.  For the majority of the time they will tell you want you want to hear, but not to be mean, but that is just what people do.  I have realized that I let myself be influenced a lot by want other people said to me, I thought they would have told me if I was wrong or needed to fix something, and now I’m paying the price.  People will listen to us, but know one is going to tell you are being an ass.

Btw – I think I’ve decided to go back to blonde.  Any thoughts?

[Via http://jnbrooks.wordpress.com]

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