Tuesday, December 1, 2009


you know what – i am totally ready for things to start happening in my life.

i kind of feel like the whole of last year i was in neutral and kept stalling everytime i tried to shift into gear (OK pretty shoddily cheesy metaphor but you get the idea..!), but i really want to start taking control of everything from now on.

like, i am going to sort out my cv and placements, and i am COMPLETELY going to read up on any hazy grey areas i’ve had in this course so far – like most of the theory stuff i’ve ever done, lighting, stuff like gamma curves, directing bla bla bla. i’m never going to get anywhere unless i learn these things.

i am going to sort out the musical aspect of my life instead of continually whinging that i’m not good enough.

i will definitely stop letting people, especially men, get me down. life is too short to linger over things, and to put it bluntly – if they don’t think i’m worth their time, they’re definitely not worth mine. it sounds cocky but i suppose thats the way you have to think. i really want to live out this completely crazy left-wing pretentious lifestyle with coffee, novels, notepads, bright ideas and romance – i should start trying to realise it!

and most importantly of all, i want to start reeling my family and friends in closer – i’m a bit worried about my ice-queen tendencies, and to be honest, a little disappointed that i haven’t made a point of this all sooner.


time for changes i think!

[Via http://emzadoodle.wordpress.com]

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