Monday, September 28, 2009

Don't look now

I’d been salivating over taking this picture.  truth is, I think they put that stuff up in July. haha.  not only is it twice as much junk in person, than in the photo, it really does look like Halloween threw up all over their lawn.     Today was like slow motion all day.  I couldn’t get my brain synapses firing all at once. Oh well, tommorrow is a new day.  I hope I can at least finish the stack of festering paperwork on my desk.  We have not ONE but TWO bored boards coming up at work. Poo.  People are also taking lots of leaves, which translates into paperwork!

where’s a doggone shredder when you need one?

(just kidding, boss.)  


Little A stayed home from school for the 4th time today.  she’s milking the sore throat,strep throat for all it’s worth even though she’s done with the antibiotics.   today I made an appointment with the throat specialist to see about getting her tonsils out.  I went down the rather long lists of unknown doctors and believe me, when it comes to choosing a surgeon that’s going to have my baby’s life in his hands,  I’m really nervous.     This morning Big A had her appointment with the therapist after a long time of not going.  I wanted her to have someone to vent to about her dad, other than me, without fear of any reprisals.  I think I owe her that at least.   I spoke to the therapist whom I see twice a month,  about Doug’s outburst.   She bluntly stated that I didn’t give him time to “transition” that night he came home from his work trip,  before dumping on him about Big A, that fateful evening he screamed at her and called her names, and cursed her.    I RESPECTFULLY disagree. HA! I’ve been helping him “transition”  for 15 years.  I think his outburst was B.S.     Then, last night, my daughter from Texas called and she is going thru crap with her bi-polar daddy. I was telling her how I might leave here early (after christmas sometime) and get a job there first, so I can bring the girlz there and help her out.   Just thinking about it, was nice.  If nothing else, I will help her out with college money, a couple hundred a month.  she’s working her azzzz off full time job, school, etc.   Big A needs her big sister to love on her, take her to the mall, bond with her, mentor her…  Both, believe it or not are extremely level headed females, independent and savvy all at once.   So today, I took it easy in the food department.  I cannot believe how easy it’s been to just gravitate toward junk all the time, skip workouts, yada yada…  today I slept during lunch and ate only an apple and an orange.  after having just bran cereal this morning.   Doug cooked tonight and I ate like a starving person.  but only one coke today.  yay me.     I hope your Monday was painless.  C-Ya tommorrow.

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