Tuesday, September 15, 2009


it is amazing how that last, tiny bit you have to write always takes just about as long as the remaining bits put together. i have been horrendously stuck for several days now, and no amount of housework or standing in the shower for long periods helps.

the cheerleaders across the tracks appear to be away this summer, and in their place, sturdy young men playing the taiko day and night (interspersed with hearty, hormonal shouts). it had been quite enjoyable to begin with, but two full days into it now… my head begs to differ. everything in moderation, thank you very much.

the glorious weather broke today – the first day of rain and gloom and doom since i returned to japan. but i would, still, rather be outdoors than sitting here, staring at my graphs and tables (beautiful as they are), attempting to finish something that should never have taken this long. just how am i going to make a career of this?

i will finish writing this tonight or die in the attempt (at the moment, the latter seems more likely). and then perhaps, stop watching tv for the next lifetime or so.

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