Saturday, October 31, 2009

going to start (again) blog

Anyway, i will be starting to write what i thought about the world within me, and all my life, bluntly and openly to all who really want to read my blog.

first of all, happy halloween people!

trick or treat?

‘Friends’ of mine, do really trick me. why the do is talk behind my back and pretending that i don’t know. However, i don’t know who the one who said bad things about me.. but i can feel it, that you guys who did it.

and by the way, do follow me in my twitter… rather than doing facebook’s status update, i will do twit… cos it is indeed more private…


edwin ruser

’sometimes you don’t know what to do…

Blustery Morning

This is what today feels like in Munster, Indiana.

Winnie the Pooh's Blustery Day

I woke up at 7:30 to the same rain I fell asleep too. Outside it was rainy and crazy windy. This little tree was getting blown all around.

Little tree is losing its leaves.

This weather does not motivate me to get my day started.

Blustery day in my hood.

But, I pushed through and started my day with coffee and a client phone call at 8am!

My own little coffee and espresso center.

While on the phone with my client I refilled my K-Cup stand with lots of different coffee and tea flavors (if you do not have a Keurig Coffee Maker, it is the best!). Then decided on some extra bold coffee with pumpkin creamer, a dollop of whip cream, and pumpkin spice on top!

Brewing my coffe in my Mickey Mouse mug!

Pumpkiny Goodness

Once Nick woke up we made an oatmeal breakfast. I made Nick strawberry banana oatmeal and I made myself peanut butter and granola oatmeal. Nick had pretty much finished the peanut butter last night with his PBJ so I decided to take the almost empty peanut butter container and make my oatmeal right in it.

Added my oats and soy milk.

Sprinkled in some flax seed to cook with the oatmeal.

Then into the microwave for 2 minutes.

Emptied the oatmeal into a bowl for easy eating, and sprinkled with granola.

Peanut buttery goodness! And it kept me satisfied till about 1:30!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Apollo 13!!!

Go for launch!

I’ve always known that secretly Apollo 13 is one of my favorite movies; but I can never remember what happens in it (except something bad) so I have refrained from ever declaring that. However, as I sit here watching it (!!!!!) I have decided that it is definitely one of my faves.

When I was little, I wanted to be an astronaut. More than anything. I wanted to look out a window and see infinity or to see the earth humbly and magnificently outside of its atmosphere. This all changed when I took a trip to OMSI and realized that to be an astronaut you’d have to have much better eyesight than I have.

Then one day I developed an uncontrollable, near-crippling fear of the deep ocean (I wrote a little about it here).  Suddenly it occurred to me that if I was scared of the vastness of the ocean, how in the world did I ever think I could handle the universe? that scene in Titanic, where Rose pries Jack’s cold lifeless hands off of hers and he floats into the ocean, is what terrifies me. Something important – be it a life, a giant boat that took a lot of money to build, a huge rocket that is capable of transporting life into the unknown – suddenly being stripped of its vanity and importance and becoming the victim of the thing it was meant to conquer.

As I watched Tom Hanks ( <3 ) prepare for launch (and Kevin Bacon, and some other guy?) I wondered what that must be like, to be so small sitting in a huge rocket thing, built at the hands of men who are not perfect. How terrifying. I was getting scared watching it. (Bill Paxton? Is that the other guys name?)

The moon is so beautiful, the stars magnificent. One day when we vision impaired folk are allowed to travel beyond the atmosphere, I hope to go. It would be the ultimate overcoming of my fears. I would spend the entire time unable to see, as my eyes would be overflowing with tears that floated into the air, most likely pissing off my fellow passengers.

Even still, I’d do so knowing that I could be the Titanic of outerspace – the indestructible, NASA-approved vehicle that gets side swiped by some debris from a previous mission, and then our oxygen starts leaking until we all are pulled out of our unsinkable  space craft, our bodies destined to float around the universe much like the remains of the Titanic floated around the cold Atlantic.

In the end, liking a movie like Apollo 13 so much is a very definite act of masochism. But I will never watch Titanic, because at least the stars are beautiful.. which is more than could be said for whatever nightmares lie at the very bottom of the ocean.

This is Stephanie, signing off.

Kitchen Slave – It begins

I worked my first night as a kitchen slave on Sunday – almost seven hours, no break.  It felt good.  I thought I did/learned/saw much, but was also very aware of how much I have left to learn.  There’s nothing more humbling than being taught how to make desserts by a high-school student.

I made a cilantro-lime aioli, fabricated lemon “snail” garnishes, made doughnuts, sliced about ten onions, made mashed potatoes (that a customer complained were under-seasoned), shucked and removed the kernels from corn, learned how to make pizza, learned how to plate a few desserts, inventoried red meat and helped close.  Overall, it was a good day and a bit of an adventure.

I need to bring more confidence with me into the restaurant.  I’m working with cocky young guys half my age – and I need to be able to stand toe-to-toe with them.

Lemon "Snail" Garnishes

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


2102401    กระบวนการสำหรับวิศวกรรมไฟฟ้า    Random Processes for Electrical Engineering

แนวคิดพื้นฐานของทฤษฎีความน่าจะเป็น ตัวแปรสุ่ม กระบวนการสุ่ม ค่าเฉลี่ย ความแปรปรวน และสหสัมพันธ์ กระบวนการสุ่มนิ่ง การวิเครมะห์สัญญาณเชิงสุ่ม ความหนาแน่นเชิงสเปกตรัมกำลัง ผลตอบสนองของระบบเชิงเส้นต่อสัญญาณเชิงสุ่ม การมอดูเลตแอมพลิจูดด้วยสัญญาณเชิงสุ่ม ตัวประประมาณค่าเชิงเส้นแบบเหมาะที่สุด

(Basic concepts of probability theory; random variables; stochastic processes; mean, covariances, and correlations; stationary random processes; analysis of random signals; power spectral density; response of linear systems to random signals; amplitude modulation by random signals; optimum linear estimators.)

(2102401 จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย)

Today's radar...

1.) Heath’s final film is doing well in Italy.

2.) Despite what Entertainment Weekly says…everyone is still subject to trashy television. But seriously, how did the Hills not make the list?
–Sorry, but I enjoyed this bit of trashy telly…and The Swan. Some of those women really got fucked up mentally afterwards.
–This one always made me feel icky. The people are such trash and so pathetic…but by God they’re gonna git ‘em there faces on the TV even if it’s because they’re a cheatin’.
–Watched The Simple Life too.

–Do they still make new ones of Jerry Springer? I don’t think it’ll ever go away. Oh, and that movie…Jaime Pressly before Earl.

3.) This picture of Peter Cincotti makes him look a bit possesed…but who the hell cares. He’s pretty and talented.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Shock-Jock: All the Rage

You ever notice that there are an abundance of men who constantly play the “court jester” these days?  I’m not talking about guys who are really funny, goofy fellas that are fun to be around because they know how to light-heartedly tease you, or men who use the art of sarcasm well to make a deep point.  I’m talking about fellas who seldom seem to take much of anything seriously.

Two of my friends on Facebook displayed this characteristic today within minutes of each other.  The first, after another friend wrote a comment about abortion, remarked that he thought it was good because it’s “population control.”  The other faked his own marriage on Facebook (and, I admit, did a pretty good job of making it look real).  Both are Christians.

“Lighten up, Bordner.  Why don’t you just learn to laugh?  They were both just joking.  What’s the harm?”

I enjoy a good joke like the next guy.  Ask my wife: I am constantly teasing her, and it adds some lightness and laughter to our marriage.  There is a time to laugh, joke around, and be sarcastic.  But that is not all the time.

For both guys, I know by now to take their words and actions with a grain of salt…I knew right away, for example, that my first friend was only joking about abortion really being a good method of “population control.”

Therein lies the problem.  He was only joking, and I learned long ago to simply write him off.

The result of such flippancy is that both men have lost the ability to speak truth into my life and probably others’ lives too.  Both, in being so irreverent, have become totally irrelevant and impotent.

If you are a guy like this, you might not think it’s a big deal.  In fact, you probably like this sort of thing.  You like shocking people, because it brings you attention and people think you are funny.  But what about when you actually want people to take you seriously?  What then?  If being a shock jock is your bottom line, what will come of you when it is time to buck up and be useful?  After all, when his hour came, no one listened to the “boy who cried wolf.”

This is not something a man does.  It is something a boy stuck in Peter-Pan syndrome does.  We need a few more good men in the world, not this douche-baggery.

I know that term might offend some readers.  Oh well.  I’m tired of seeing this phenomena in so many young men.  It’s time to call a spade a spade.  I mean, c’mon; why even joke about abortion? Men who call themselves doctors split a baby’s skull open with forceps and suck out her brains. That is not the sort of thing to joke around about. I feel silly even saying such an obvious thing.

Another illustration: I watched Paranormal Activity this weekend.  With it’s fixation on the occult, I should have walked out of the movie.  It wasn’t so wise to stay, but that’s another post for another time.  In the movie, the main female character is being pursued by a demon.  Her boyfriend, with whom she lives, sees this as an opportunity to be entertained and buy cool gadgets.  He buys a bunch of high tech gear to record the entity in action, and teases it constantly.  He just wants to see a lil’ action and doesn’t take his girlfriend’s distress seriously.  He thinks it’s all one big joke.  When he finally does get serious, the situation is out of control and he can do nothing about it.  Spoiler: he ends up dead and his girlfriend ends up possessed.

Why all the irreverence?  A few things.

First, our society enables men to postpone responsibility.  Years ago we didn’t even have the category of “teenager.”  Next we added the category “adolescent,” and recently, some sociologists have begun to talk about the phenomenon of “adultolescence.”  Countless numbers of adults, especially young men, attempt to extend their adolescences into their late 20’s and early 30’s, and many well-meaning people encourage this attitude (”Wait until later to get married.  Have fun now!”).  My bet is the “flippant boy” persona is an extension of that attempt to run away from responsibility, even if only at a very subconscious level.

Secondly, our society tends to idolize the persona.  There are a large number of TV shows, such as Family Guy and South Park, that stand upon this type of humor, and there are a number of actors who’ve made a career out of playing these types of characters (most male actors in Anchorman, for instance).  It’s all around us, so it’s not surprising that young men would seek to emulate what our culture praises.

Thirdly, for some young men, it can be a way to hide insecurity.  We all have our fig leafs, and this is an awfully big one.  I once dated a woman (Ironic that I’ve been talking about men doing this all along.  I guess women can do it too, though it’s much more common in men) that displayed this.  Whenever someone would get personal and deep with her, she would start laughing and cracking jokes.  It was her way of running from facing her ish.

What do you think?  Do you see the same issue?  Do you even think it’s a problem?  If so, what are some other ways in which we enable this attitude, and how can we exhort young men to drop the fig leaf and grow up?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

90 Herb

Done the ardy Diary finished elite on it too which got me 200k free herby exp which got my 90 herblore Guess I’m being alittle cheaper with herblore now lol. Getting there slowly though.

Went to Armadyl after I got home from work 4 Man team, missed a Armadyl chestplate then went to corp 4man with Austin and perfect ryne. Think I’m around -29m lsp atm.

Also went to FFA corp for abit but there was some sadfucks with vestas so I got bored and left. But there was a funny dark core glitch because no one at FFA kills it, so they multiply. was funny as hell to watch so I recorded it. Took a screenshot of 16 of the cores. Think there might have been a few more though.

The Facts of Life

Ok so it’s almost 3:30 in the morning and I am still awake.  I am doing A LOT of thinking about life still so I decided to make a list, because that’s what I do best.  Here is a list of things that I know to be undeniable facts of life (well, of my life anyway).

  • Any bad mood or funk can be reversed by listening to NSync.
  • Chocolate can cure all of the world’s evils…well almost all…
  • Having a song in your head is not such a bad thing, you just have to be conscious of whether or not you are singing it out loud.
  • If you really want to think about or have a real conversation about life, stay up past 2 in the morning.  Something about the early morning hours is condusive to contemplation.
  • Technology is the death of social interaction.  Get off the computer and hug a friend once in a while, it’s really a valuable practice.
  • Having a clean living space helps me concentrate.
  • You can never have too much coffee in a day, but the most important time for coffee is definately in the morning.
  • Crossing stuff of of to-do lists is gratifying, the trouble is that you actually have to get motivated to get the stuff done.
  • Sometimes you don’t need a reason to put on a cute little number and look nice.  Getting dressed should be about what makes you feel good.
  • Listen to your body.  When you’re tired, you should go to sleep, which is what I am going do to right now.

So there you have it, a pointless little entry about life to kill time while I’m getting ready for bed.  That’s all she wrote.

Friday, October 23, 2009

New Hedberg Discovery

Heard a quote from Mitch Hedberg that I’d never heard before today.

If I made orange juice I wouldn’t be so hardcore on people. I would be more polite. Like I wouldn’t print “Shake well” on the carton because you don’t know how well people can shake. I would write, “Shake to the best of your ability”. Then I’ll have a diagram that shows the uninitiated how to shake. “Alright, put it over here. Then put it over here. Then put it over here quicker.

Pure gold dude. I rofled when I heard this. Other favs:

I saw this girl on TV who was born with no arms. Like literally her hands were attached directly to her shoulders. And that was pretty sad. But then they said, ‘Lola doesn’t know the meaning of the word,”can’t,”‘ and I thought that was worse in a way. Because now not only does she not have any arms and legs, but she also can’t understand simple contractions. It ain’t that hard Lola. You take two words. You squish them together. You take out a couple of letters. You put a comma in there and you raise it up.


I tried to walk into Target, but I missed. I think the entrance to Target should have people splattered all around. Then when I finally walk in, the guy says to me, “Can I help you?” “Just practicing.”


When you go to a restaurant on the weekends and it’s busy they start a waiting list. They start calling out names, they say “Dufrane, party of two. Table ready for Dufrane, party of two.” And if no one answers they’ll say their name again. “Dufrane, party of two.” But then if no one answers they’ll just go right on to the next name. “Bush, party of three.” Yeah, but what happened to the Dufranes? No one seems to give a shit. Who can eat at a time like this? — people are missing. You people are selfish. The Dufranes are in someone’s trunk right now, with duct tape over their mouths. And they’re hungry. That’s a double whammy. We need help. Bush, search party of three! You can eat once you find the Dufranes.


I like cottage cheese. That’s why I want to try other dwelling cheeses, too. How about studio apartment cheese? Tent cheese? Mobile home cheese? Do not eat mobile home cheese in a tornado.


And the one I might consider my all time personal favorite:

I order the club sandwich all the time, and I’m not even a member, man! I don’t know how I get away with it. “I like my sandwiches with three pieces of bread.” “So do I.” “Well let’s form a club then.” “Ok but we need some more stiuplations.” “Yes we do. Instead of cutting the sandwich once, let’s cut it again.” “Yes, four triagles. And we will position them in a circle and in the middle we will dump chips.” “Or potato salad!” “Ok. Let me ask you a question. How do you feel about frilly toothpics?” “I’m for them!” “Well this club is formed.”

For more check out

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dum de dum dum

I’m just a little bit caught in the middle

Life is a maze and love is a riddle

I dont know where to go I can’t do it alone I’ve tried

And I don’t know why

I’m just a little girl lost in the moment

I’m so scared but I don’t show it

I can’t figure it out

It’s bringing me down I know

I’ve got to let it go

And just enjoy the show…

~ “The Show” – Lenka

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Knowledge is power: H1N1 information

IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOUR FAMILY. My eldest son and his wife and four children have it.
The baby is less than two and they are quite worried. It is sneaky and just when you seem a bit better, it comes back. Please protect your family and share any information here you may not have heard.
This information is taken from the CDC website. I thought it important enough to post as many of us just don’t take the time to check these things out.
What are “emergency warning signs” that should signal anyone to seek medical care urgently?
In children:
• Fast breathing or trouble breathing
• Bluish skin color
• Not drinking enough fluids
• Not waking up or not interacting
• Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
• Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
• Fever with a rash
In adults:
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
• Sudden dizziness
• Confusion
• Severe or persistent vomiting

Contamination & Cleaning

How long can influenza virus remain viable on objects (such as books and doorknobs)?
Studies have shown that influenza virus can survive on environmental surfaces and can infect a person for 2 to 8 hours after being deposited on the surface.

What kills influenza virus?
Influenza virus is destroyed by heat (167-212°F [75-100°C]). In addition, several chemical germicides, including chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, detergents (soap), iodophors (iodine-based antiseptics), and alcohols are effective against human influenza viruses if used in proper concentration for a sufficient length of time.

*What if soap and water are not available and alcohol-based products are not allowed in my facility?
If soap and water are not available and alcohol-based products are not allowed, other hand sanitizers that do not contain alcohol may be useful.

What surfaces are most likely to be sources of contamination?
Germs can be spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth. Droplets from a cough or sneeze of an infected person move through the air. Germs can be spread when a person touches respiratory droplets from another person on a surface like a desk, for example, and then touches their own eyes, mouth or nose before washing their hands.

How should waste disposal be handled to prevent the spread of influenza virus?
To prevent the spread of influenza virus, it is recommended that tissues and other disposable items used by an infected person be thrown in the trash. Additionally, persons should wash their hands with soap and water after touching used tissues and similar waste.

What household cleaning should be done to prevent the spread of influenza virus?
To prevent the spread of influenza virus it is important to keep surfaces (especially bedside tables, surfaces in the bathroom, kitchen counters and toys for children) clean by wiping them down with a household disinfectant according to directions on the product label.

How should linens, eating utensils and dishes of persons infected with influenza virus be handled?
Linens, eating utensils, and dishes belonging to those who are sick do not need to be cleaned separately, but importantly these items should not be shared without washing thoroughly first.

Linens (such as bed sheets and towels) should be washed by using household laundry soap and tumbled dry on a hot setting. Individuals should avoid “hugging” laundry prior to washing it to prevent contaminating themselves. Individuals should wash their hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub immediately after handling dirty laundry.

Eating utensils should be washed either in a dishwasher or by hand with water and soap.

DON’T PANIC: Just be prepared and do things to prevent it from happening!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jaze. First Piece Since 1986. Dundee.09

Yesterday I had the great pleasure of painting with Jaze who was one of the first writers in Dundee who began painting in about 83/84.I remember copying some of his & the other older writers stuff from the walls into my school jotter around 86 or so.

Jaze got into a bit of bother with the old painting in 86 and quit graff to join the army. This was his first piece in 23 years. Unfortunately it was raining but never the less it was brilliant to paint with him. All his references etc are totally non graff & pre hip hop. He couldn’t quite believe we were able to paint in broad daylight & that we didn’t have to wait for some of the colours to dry to put a second coat on on!

Probably the best day I have ever had painting.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Beyonce delays Malaysia show amid Muslim criticism

Update to this post. Is Beyonce having second thoughts about complying with sharia?


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — R&B star Beyonce Knowles has postponed a planned concert in Malaysia, the event’s organizer said Monday, following accusations by Islamic conservatives that the show would be immoral.

Knowles, known for her provocative clothes and choreography, had been scheduled to perform at a Kuala Lumpur stadium Oct. 25. The show “has been postponed to a future date to be announced shortly,” Malaysian entertainment company Marctensia said in a statement.

“The postponement is solely (the) decision of the artist and has nothing to do with other external reasons,” the statement said.

A Marctensia representative declined to say whether the decision was prompted by criticism from the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, the country’s largest opposition group, which has called for the show to be scrapped because it would promote “Western sexy performances.”

via The Associated Press: Beyonce delays Malaysia show amid Muslim criticism.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

honey, while the stars are still shining...

According to my account, I’ve listened to “Instruct Me” by The Drums fifty times in the last six months. (In that time space, I’ve only listened to “Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want” more… um, 94x.) And I mean, I like the rest of their stuff, too. In case you are yet unaware of this Florida duo currently based in Brooklyn, check out their video for “Let’s Go Surfing.”

Then go nuts on Hype Machine.

And hey, they’re kind of cute, too, aren’t they?


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Last night

I ended up going to Paris, after we put JonJon to bed. 

Earlier in the evening, I got a phone call from my mom and she was crying.    I knew immediately that the guy she has been seeing, we’ll call him Mr.A, had said or done something.  They’ve been talking for 2 months and seeing each other for about a month.  She thought he might be the one and he apparently felt the same way that she did.   Well, last night he called her and basically said that he wanted to see this other gal, that he ran into at his high school reunion 3 weeks ago.  Apparently, she has been coming over to his house and cleaning for him.  And I guess she was also asking him out for the past 3 weeks, but Mr. A kept saying no, because he wanted to talk to my mom first.  He says that nothing happened.  Whether or not that is true, I have no idea. 

So, anyway, Mom called me crying her eyes out and so totally upset!  I hate when she her heart is broken!    Mr. A told mom that she is everything he’s ever wanted in a woman, but he wanted to date K because she is in town and my mom is 1.5 hours away!!!  Long distance relationships are hard…been there..done that!  But if he was truly feeling the way he said he was, then he should have been willing to go the to speak.  So, Mom and her friend Ms. C had already planned on going out last night for some drinks.  So, I met mom and Ms. C at the mexican restaurant in Paris and we ate dinner and had a margarita!  Then, afterwards, we went to the VFW for some drinks and just talked about Mr. A and hung out with another one of her friends, Ms. D and her friend, Mr. P.   ( I only had water there, because I had to drive mom home then I had to drive back to TH..which is 25 mins away) 

Mom is just so heartbroken…   I hate this!  She sent him a message this morning, early morning, and basically said she doesn’t understand him and why he’d throw away what they had just because K is closer.  His reply to her was “I have a funeral to go to this afternoon, and I’ll call you after that. All I can say is the heart wants what the heart wants. None of this was by design, or intended to hurt you.”    He never did call her. 

Mom said that someone needs to write a book on what a man thinks and what he means.  I hope that she can find someone soon that will love her for her and I know that she can provide the love that he would need.  I pray that the Lord will have that man come into her life soon!!!!!

Can I please live as a Beach Bum??????

I have a confession to make: I must admit, secretly I want to be a beach bum. A good old fashioned beach bum, I do not feel like doing  a damn thing. I want to be able to be on a 24/7 relaxation high. I want to fit into the culture of Hawaii, surfing at the beach, cruising around the island, sitting back and drinking a beer, and listening to the Jawaiian music (yeah Jamaican regaee + Hawaiian regaee= Jawaiian).  I want to feel like that is all life is about, no worries, no stress, I can just stay here and forget that the mainland exist. Forget that I have a passion to get the most out of life, forget that I have drive to sit at the head of the table and run the meeting, forget that I want to be known for my accomplishments, and forget that I strive to be better than I was the day before. Yeah I just want to forget all of that and just be a beach bum.

I can’t seem to kick that damn NY edge. You know the NY EDGE! That faced paced, go getter, step on anyone’s toes attitude. The feeling of always needing to be on that upward climb, because if your not climbing up, your gonna get stepped on and slapped down by that person who was below you. In NY people are on the move all of the time! And boy are they moving fast! Everyone has a hustle, and that hustle better be on point! People are rarely sleeping, and if you are feeling stressed, at least you know that you are still alive. Yeah I still have that damn NY edge in me! And that edge makes me stand out here in Hawaii. Man, I just want to be a beach bum!!!

At work co-workers used to say, why do you work so hard, your making us look bad. Are you kidding me? Work hard? We never had to show up and just hand in some papers! Usually if someone at work has a request, I have been trained all too well to get it done as soon as possible. In NY if it wasn’t done you start to get what I like to call hate emails, then you can’t sleep when you get home due to anxious, over obsessive thoughts of getting fired. In Hawaii, its ok, do it whenever you get a chance, even if it is a week later and you had to be asked 3-4 times, its ok.

Another person who was a potential dating prospect asked, “Why do you have so much ambition”? WHATTTTT? Are you kidding me? Why have ambition? Why not? I have been trained oh so well by my NY lifestyle that without ambition, where are you going in life? Life is no fun standing still as an observer, it will just keep moving while you are watching. But hey maybe that is only in NY!! So after that question, needless to say homeboy was no longer a dating prospect. He did not understand the necessity of ambition in life. However if I am a beach bum I will not need that drive and ambition anymore right? I can just go to the beach and drink Mai tai’s. Since life moves slow in Hawaii anyway I won’t notice it passing me by, and I will fit right in. I just want to be a beach bum!!!

When I tell people outside of my work that I have my master’s degree from NYU, they look at me like I am on the same level as President Obama (no seriously), and men look like they have they just found a pot of gold. Eyes light up, and all of a sudden I become the most interesting girl they have ever met. It is a level of success that many people may not reach. However, when I was in NY I kept feeling like that wasn’t good enough. I needed to get better, strive for more, aim higher, and get that Ph.D. In the big city, I only had a very little amount of time to appreciate my accomplishments. With the next breath comes: What’s next? How do I top this? And how do I do better? In Hawaii it is good enough, and I will be a highly educated beach bum!!! I will be married to a local in no time!!!

Someday’s the feeling is, what’s the point? Why do I need to strive for more, and keep pushing to get to that next level when I am perfectly fine right here? The end result of life is all the same. We die. So who is really going to care at the end if I died as a beach bum, or a well renowned professional Psychologist who improved the behaviors of at risk youth? Does it even matter? Not really sure, I guess it is where my sense of  happiness comes from is what really counts. So will I really be happy as a beach bum? Probably not! I was raised with that NY drive. To have the go getter, do better, attitude seems innate. It is a part of my life, and just because I decided to leave the big city, my NY self came right along with me. But oh really, some days I just want to say forget this doing better, I am hitting the beach and becoming a bum!

I was talking to an ex-boyfriend (yeah weird I still talk to ex boyfriend’s), and told him that I wanted to be a beach bum. His response: that is not an option. What!!! Why don’t I get that option? It seems like everyone else on this island gets that option, and they are having a great, carefree time!  I guess I do have the option. Hey no one is stopping me, and no one will come grab me up, and put me on a plane back to the mainland.  But anyone who really knows me would say, that me as a beach bum would be a waste of really great potential. I really do have the ability to do big things in life! (no really I do!!).

So that settles it, I won’t be a beach bum, I’ll just live the life of a couple days out of the month to taste it, and then I will let the NY in me come out and do its own thing to achieve greater success!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

First Impressions: Fairy Tail and Yumeiro Patisserie

Well, Fairy Tail only just aired a couple of days ago and I also only just around to looking at the first two episodes of Yumeiro Patisserie, hence the delays on these being reviewed.

Anyway, I’ll do this first up:

Fairy Tail

Well, this was a nice introduction. Its the first opening episode that actually managed to impress me since Nyan Koi so far this season.  We meet Lucy, whom has fangirl joygasms over the Fairy Tail guild. A guy pretends to the so called ‘Salamander’ from the Fairy Tail guild, wooing girls with his magnetism magic. However, turns out he’s a slave trader. Fortunately, the actual ‘Salamander’, Natsu, happens to be in town (you guessed it, its our pink haired protagonist). However, his amazing entry ends in failure because Natsu gets seasick. Lucy uses her celestial summoning magic by summoning Aquarius, but apparently her control of her summons sucks, as Aquarius is a bit short with her and tries to drown everyone. However, this does put the ship back on dry land, allowing the real Salamander to demonstrate his Draconic Tactical Nuclear magic. Explosions and Lulz occur.

As expected, our protagonist, Natsu, seems fond of destruction (maybe he really is related to Lina Inverse?!). However, he is also apparently extremely suceptible to motion sickness and seasickness which is his excuse for being poor for the first two thirds of the episode (and hey, its actually handled in quite a funny way, so its okay). Its also redeemed by his later performance as he shows his mastery of various draconic aspects of firey power. (CG flames galore!)

Its brainless chaos at the moment, but it was fun. If a plot picks up shortly, it could be a great anime, so I’m interested in this. Some caps:
Magnetism at its finest!
Aquarius has a dinner date. She does not appreciate Lucy summoning her on short notice.
A glare is worth a thousand words?
It is delicious fire, you must eat it.
Somehow I think of Kuro doing Mega Exe here, actually.
Running away from the town guard is part of the job description for a fire mage. Well, it is when you manage several houses worth of collateral damage in a few punches.

Yumeiro Patisserie

Yay, an anime covering my favourite cooking passtime. That is to say, making sweets. Cinnamon Vanilla biscuits are my speciality, but I also make a mean cheesecake. Though you know something is wrong if you start to take recipe advice from an anime, I suppose. LOL. Anyway, this played out mostly as expected, though it had a slower pace than anticipated. In a way, I’m kinda glad I did episode 1 and 2 together. They do make a bit of a set. The anime follows Ichigo, a girl who looks like she fell here from Gakuen Alice (I wonder if its the same artist, actually, they look strikingly similar). She is remarkably normal except for her ability to eat cake. Which is superior. Yeah.

Apparently, this has fostered an immensely sensitive sense of taste in her though, which she inherits from her grandmother, who was a world class sweet chef. She impresses a teacher from the St. Marie vocational school for Sweets, and enrols there. Unfortunately, she has no actual practical cooking experience and screws up under pressure (especially since she is put in the top class). However, with a new determination, she tries practicing and makes a wish to the Sugar Fairy Queen. To her surprise (the wish was mainly out of desperation!) a fairy called Vanilla is summoned and, after a spartan training regime until she gets her dessert right, then becomes her partner to become an amazing Sweet Chef.

This is cute. I like a bit of cute from time to time. As I’ve already said, the art style is suspiciously like Gakuen Alice, an anime which was also cute and full of nice fuzzy feelings (but also a surprisngly decent on the action and cute romance front). It’ll be interesting to see how this pans out, at least. Anyway, caps:
Fortunately, dad ends up paying. But she makes him spend 12,000 YEN on sweets! Thats £80 or $132!
Its heavily implied that her grandmother also had a contract with a Sugar Fairy.
You go girl! I mean, why not? Its not like other career options are flowering before you, eh?
Wow, poor Ichigo had a kinda lonely childhood if the flashback was anything to go by.
Even though I like making dessets, I would not want to be a ‘Prince of Sweets’, thankyou. Thats a kind of embarassing title…
Klutzy Girl = Klutzy Fairy summon
Also, theres the LOL evident in the fact that the Fairy is called Vanilla and she is called Ichigo (’Strawberry’). Strawberry Vanilla, a lovely combo attack for all ages!

And thats all for today. Expect a certain special commemoration post within the next few days! Tune in then.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Where do I even begin?!

As you may know, my life has been filled with more downs than ups the past few weeks. The personal mood + outlook at life trend is beginning to take a positive spin. If you were to graph it, however, you would notice that it still vacillates some and is therefore an all too tumultuous upward trend.

I don’t want to go into details online since I’d rather share it with those friends who take the time to ask how I’m doing and to hang out with me. (And, of course, you, if so choose to send me an e-mail). To sum up what I’ve been up to and will be up to, however, here are a few lovely snippets:
- workshops and webinars on start-up businesses and social media
- fellowship applications
- research proposal: ‘Applying the Business Model to Education’
- only wearing either heels or boots
- making my f*in awesome Halloween costume
- maybe visiting a new country or two

This week, I decided that I really need to concentrate on who and what matters most to me. (In other words, if you don’t want me then I don’t want you either.) A few weeks ago, I just felt so unwanted by people who I thought were important to me. What did I do? Well, I cried, moped around, got angry, etc. Then I changed my attitude.

With that, I quickly realized what an amazing support system I have: immediate and extended family, close and distant friends, new and old colleagues. There are people out there that care about  me and love me as much as I care about them and love them. For that, I am extremely grateful. Imagine that.

Simply said, the world is my oyster!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How do people update all of their thoughts?

My first official meeting with my thesis writing advisor was today. With so much going on, at times it feels like the writing portion of my thesis changes direction daily. I know that I have some worthwhile ideas, but if I can’t explain them out in a thoughtful way it doesn’t really matter how good the ideas are. My writing advisor was very upfront and honest with her thoughts on what I’d written so far. She definitely challenged me in the types of arguments I was making, as well as how I framed my projects. I’ve told my friends before, you can tell a good critique by how much work you feel you have to do afterwards. While I feel I have even more work to do now, I think that it’ll be worthwhile and only strengthen my overall thesis.

This past week I’ve been meeting with more advisors. This was to (1) help me focus on getting some things finished and completed and (2) help me in formalizing my thesis concepts and framing my work for my final grad show and thesis website. Meeting with multiple advisors in a short amount of time can be helpful, but also cause confusion pretty easily. Each advisor is an intelligent, accomplished person in their own field and they offer a legitimate direction on the path that you can take with your projects. From my experience, I think that I work best meeting with one advisor and then taking time to assimilate and mold my projects in response to their critique before meeting with the next advisor. Time constraints and personal schedules left me meeting with 4 different advisors in 6 days. I have 4 different blog entries I’ve started in that time, all going off in different thesis directions.

I need to give myself some time to sort through all of the feedback I’ve gotten (as wonderful and thoughtful as it’s been) to decide which course to take…while also finishing up the App…and building out the installation…and designing the exhibition…and sleeping somewhere in there too.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


 What can one say when a collection reminds you of an early Lacroix. I love Lacroix and if you’ve followed my blog you would know this. So with the Erdem show being completely opposite from the Summer 09 collection you would know that I am in love- Love ,Love, Love. It’s like looking through a kaleidoscope through 3-d glasses.  It’s almost hard to believe that another persons mind can see color how I see color. How I can in vision an outfit . Is Mr. Moralioglu my soul mate? I am in absolute love with this collection. Puff  Skirts with 3/4 length jackets. Body slim dresses with Floral aplique blazers. How can you not be in love. Erdem is one to look out for next season. I’m sure V magazine is going to eat this collection alive.

Monday, October 12, 2009

I Want THIS Job

Dream Job for this Fairytale Nerd. Of course, it’s poverty level stuff (ain’t it always?), but working in The Sussex Centre For Folklore, Fairy Tales and Fantasy? In a department with the word Hermeneutics in its title? Nerdly swoon – where’s my fainting couch?



William Gray
Professor of Literary History and Hermeneutics
Department of English
University of Chichester
West Sussex PO19 6PE
+44 (0)1243 816000


The University of Chichester needs an enthusiastic researcher with excellent
administration skills to support the project of a Sussex Centre for Folklore,
Fairy Tales and Fantasy. You will support an environment in which scholars
(regional, national and international) can explore the role of folklore, fairy
tales and fantasy in culture. You will be expected to capture the imagination
of the local community through the organisation of lectures, conferences,
exhibitions and a website. Experience in generating funding would be an

A flexible approach to working hours will be required during the fixed term
contract to meet the demands of the project.

Research Administrator – Part Time 0.5 fte. Salary Range: £19,645 to £20,834 per
annum. Pro Rata Salary Range: £9,822 to £10,417 per annum
Fixed Term Contract 7 months

Informal enquiries are welcomed by: William Gray, Professor of Literary History
and Hermeneutics, on ext 6208, or email:

Closing date:  30 October 2009

Interview date:  13 November 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009


haha today’s sharing was super timely eh. maybe its a sign to gently remind me to simply be careful about it (:

was kinda afraid my decision would be wrong, even though i really spent time pondering about this, kept coming up with reasons in my head, why or why not. but i guess there’s always 2 sides to everything right. so after hearing the cell group’s opinions on this, somehow i feel a bit.. relieved? like now i know they’re not totally against it and that ultimately, its your intentions that matter. so with this, i look forward to the event with a little of everything- anticipation, excitement, worry.

everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial (:

Saturday, October 10, 2009


This pass few weeks has been great. Was busy with  Hari Raya visiting, celebrated our dearest (HEH!) Hyrul’s 24th birthday at Marina Barrage, started working again (YEAH!) at Singtel as Admin, preparing for ‘Lebaran Desa Terapung’ which went well & there’s this short article on it on yesterday’s BH (PAISEY!), when to SI 3 weekly without fail so far (THANKS Farhan Shah,Sezairi & Malaque for the tixs!). -__-

Ok,I’ve got tons of things going on for me at the moment but Im still happy. (:

Ouhh wait,let me share this little joy of mine which made Seri Nashuha, Nurul Farahdina, Nur Aidilah & Azliza Sa’ad all excited. LOL! Thanks girls for always being there for ME. (: I didnt know you girls will be so overly excited like that. I know its time but lets just let the time do the talking. And girls please be proud of me (HEH!) because Im putting in a tiny-weeny effort for it. LIKE AT LAST,right? (:

Short update from me to you without any photos. Photos are all in FB. -__-

P.S:  Im still your sarcastic girl next door.

Poll Time

So thanks to Carly, I realized that you can make polls on here and I wanted one!  Now this poll is based on a huge and very important question that I have been having with friends lately.  Scarlett Johansson, Hot or Not?  (As you can tell, I have some very intellectual debates with people around me).  Personally, I think she is absolutely gorgeous.  She is one of my celebrity idols based on her style  (very 1940’s-esque and classic)and the fact that she is curvy and still gorgeous!  Oh and have you heard her music collaboration with Pete Yorn? She has a very unique voice too.  Now other people (ahem, Colleen) think she is hideous and I told her we can no longer be friends.  Has anyone seen the new issue of Glamour with her on the front? I suggest you go pick up a copy before voting.  My boyfriend thinks she is “just ok” and I think I smacked him with the glossy Glamour magazine after that comment.  Here is your chance to contribute to this very pressing matter, and I have even provided pictures in case you do not know who she is…(one guy we asked had no clue)

View This Poll
online surveys

Thursday, October 8, 2009

shout outs

because you each have a little piece of my day, and I love having you in my life, even if you don’t know it!

For ideas on where to take Jesus for dinner, and quarter life crises

For puppy love and fabulous self-deprecation

For lessons in patience & hope

For all-around blogger awesomeness

For yellow dressers

For being my first blog that I fell in love with

For reading hungry

For the comic lover in all of us

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I’m up blogging at 830am. Yawn. 30 more minutes before I leave for school. It’s gonna be another boring Thursday. I can already foresee myself flooding twitter later on in the afternoon.

Anyway, AY dragged me along to the Mid Autumn Festival celebration in the evening. I don’t really feel like going, but I’ve not gone to any of the yearly Mid Autumn Festival celebration held in school. Ahh~ Heck. I shall just go for a while for picture taking.

I’m extremely sleepy right now. With dry eyes, and so reluctant to go to school.

And omg.. It’s already week 9. The first semester of my final year is coming to an end. Time passed a little too damn quickly for this sem ~_~

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Today, I awoke in bed with my boyfriend and his dog. After some pushing and prodding, I thought my boyfriend was trying to move the dog out of the way to cuddle with me. It turns out, he was moving the dog closer to him. My boyfriend would rather spoon with his dog than me. FML.

Today, as I was walking through the park I had to yawn. In mid-yawn, with my mouth wide open, I walked right through a spider web getting both the spider and the prey it was eating stuck in my mouth. FML (Haha, fy faen!)

Today, I flew in to visit my long distance girlfriend. When I got out of the cab, I saw her way down the street walking the dog, so I hid behind the bushes to scare/surprise her. Mission accomplished. I just wish I hadn’t bought her that pepper spray. FML

Jeg elskerrrrrr FML. Always makes me giggle. Det er vel noe i det å lese at andre har det verre enn en selv? FML

Monday, October 5, 2009

Lost credit card

One of my credit cards has been lost for over a month. I thought I might have put it in one of my pants or jacket pockets.

Yesterday my dog was scratching at the bottom of my couch. I thought there must have been a bone under the couch, so I lifted the corner of the couch so my dog could sneak under and get what he was trying to get. He ran under and picked up what he was looking for. So I looked to see which bone or toy had been hiding. To my surprise it was my credit card that I have been missing. I don’t know how it got there but I am just so happy he found it. YAY Pugsley!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Happy October!!
I love this time of year, and I am getting ready for the change of the seasons and weather. I love how all of a sudden the weather feels and smells crisper and I love how Autumn makes me feel–nostalgic of the summer and past, and excited for all of the coming holidays.

The first week of school was pretty tame, for the most part. I’m still getting adjusted to all the crowds of people on campus, but my classes all seem pretty interesting. The professors, too, actually.
I’m meeting lots of people, and just trying to get back into the grind.
Speaking of which, I MET A DANE!!! I was sitting in the Science and Engineering (S&E) library, studying, when all of a sudden a couple of kids at the table RIGHT BEHIND ME started speaking in Danish. Turns out, the girl was Danish, and the guy was Norwegian. They invited me to lunch with them, and I met an Icelandic girl, and another American girl. They are all mechanical engineer grad students. They were all really nice, and the international students told me that about half of the international students in the program are from Norway, and ~25 Swedes and ~10 Danes are here, too. I am super excited to get to know them and start practicing my Danish again :3

I was planning to study Wednesday evening, but I got a call from Li Yin and Susan, saying that they wanted to hang out. They came over to my place, along with Linda. We (plus Travis) watched “The Swan Princess” while I made banana bread, and then we all watched “Let the Right One In,” this Swedish vampire film. It was really enjoyable. Kind of slow in its pace, but filmed beautifully (loved all the snow; made me miss Scandinavia), and a bit gory. It was a very tastefully done, and BY NO MEANS any sort of lame Twilight rip off. The content was really different, much darker and rawer than most vampire films. At the same time, some of the scenes were very sweet. I enjoyed it a lot. I also enjoyed being able to understand a tiny bit of what they were saying. Hope I didn’t annoy everyone, repeating or translating some of what they said.

On Friday night, Linda, Travis, and I ate at Chipotle, and then went to watch “Zombieland.” I wasn’t too impressed by the trailer/ads for it (it looked too cheesy and mainstream), but I was actually quite impressed with the film. It was darker and funnier than I had expected, and this movie definitely had its moments, too. Some parts were actually kind of profound and touching. I haven’t enjoyed a movie this much in so long! I walked out of the theater with a big smile on my face. Since yesterday, Linda, Travis, and I have been quoting the film constantly, haha! Also, there is a fantastic (and surprising) cameo in the film. I’d gladly watch it again–it was that good!
Afterwards, Linda came back, and we watched “Everything is Illuminated.” We also managed to get Neapolitan milkshakes from In-N-Out RIGHT BEFORE it closed.
Overall, an excellent night :]

Tonight, Linda, Li Yin, Travis, and I went to grab dinner/dessert at Spice and Rice, a Thai restaurant in downtown La Jolla. We then hung out at The Living Room, to smoke a hookah. We chose a raspberry mint flavor for the hookah. It was a lot of fun (even though I reek of tobacco now). It was a really chill night :]

Tomorrow, I’m meeting up with some of my old suite mates from my freshman year. I’m excited to see them, since I haven’t seen some of them in maybe even 2 years!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Uh...0 hits.

I’m not to sure what I’m doing wrong, but we’ve gone from 80+ hits per day, to 10 or less. I guess it’s because of school and such though. Ugh, school. What a drag. So, to get some more of those amazing 100+ hit days, I’ve decided to switch it up a bit. I’m currently making a new playlist, finding some new things for CSS (it’s almost Halloween my friends! I can’t believe it!), and working on the contest. Right now I’m at my Dad’s house though, so I won’t be able to do much. Tomorrow is Sunday…blech. That means school on Monday. Oh joy. BUT I do get to see him (yeah, I’ve actually found a guy who isn’t a total, uh, jerk =P ) so I guess that makes it worth while. Oh noz, I’m going all ‘lovey dovey’ on you guys. OH WELL. You guys are going to have to try to stand me (:

Apparently, as a fiftysomething, having sex every night can burn 970 calories a week. That’s an awful lot of effort for 970 calories.

Continuing on from my blog regarding UK Older People’s Day 2009, and news reaches me that Manchester City Council has issued an illustrated guide to sex for the over-50s. According to to55er’s blog sex reporter, Rusty Bedsprings, the 47-page guide contains advice about male potency, otherwise known as brewer’s droop, and how to watch a porn movie; chapters include Let’s Talk about Sex, Practice and Being Prepared, and Dating Advice. The guide is illustrated with photos of real-life Manchester residents.

Now I wouldn’t want to do Mancunian residents a disservice, but this is the city that boasts footballer Wayne Rooney and boxer Ricky Hatton, both of which sport faces resembling bags of spanners and neither of which I’d care to see in an illustrated guide to sex.

The Manchester United star is on the left.

Ricky Hatton in some interesting shorts.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Je sais que je n’ai pas été très présente dernièrement alors je vais essayer de me rattraper.

Alors… qu’est-ce que je deviens? Eh bien…. pas grand chose! L’école et son train-train habituel….Ouais…

Ben, en fait, j’ai commencé à écouter The Vampire Diaries il y a environ un mois et c’est vraiment bien! J’avais beaucoup aimé le premier livre mais je trouve que la série me mets plus dans l’ambiance et, bien elle est plus…. euhhh… Bloody? Je sais pas, c’est le mots le plus précis que j’aie ne tête en ce moment… Donc, le fait est que, l’an dernier, les garçons de ma classe, étant les imbéciles hommes matures qu’ils sont, ont trouvé le plus immature et entendu original des noms pour Twilight, mon amour de toujours: “Toilette”. Eh oui, à croire que les mâles pustulants à l’exception de quelques jeunes gentlemen constituants mon ancien groupe n’avaient pu s’en empêcher…. (ok, on arrêtait peut-être un peu pas d’en parler… )Ils avaient même un slogan pour aller avec leur nom et, encore une fois, très peu original: “Toilette s”tun film à chier” (à prononcer avec un accent très particulierement imbécile).

Et voilà que, même une foi le chef de la rébellion “anti-twilight“, (qui n’avait d’ailleurs jamais lu un extrait de ou vu un extrait de Twilight, le pauvre type) ils trouvent le moyen de me rendre chèvre en m’agaçant sur ma passion. Dans mon casier, à l’école, j’ai collé un petit carton publicitaire de The Vampire Diaries dont j’étais très fière. Oui, j’étais…. Les garçons ont décidé que “Diaries” ressemblait beaucoup à diarrhée et oui, quels jeunes hommes immatures.

Donc, 2 de mes centres d’intérêt se font maltraiter d’une façon bien spécifiques: Twilight s’est fait attribuer “Toilette” et The Vampire Diaries, “Les diarrhées d’un vampire”… ‘Voyez un peu leur ligne de pensées…. ouais, c’est  pas super!

Mais bon, je changerais de groupe pour rien au monde. Je suis, à mon goût, dans le meilleur programme de concentration offert à l’école : Arts et T.I.C. En gros, arts et ordinateurs 7(?) fois pas 10 jours! Eh oui, j’ai les meilleures coupines dont on peut pas rêver qui sont dans le programme avec moi! Alors je salue la Salade de fruits, les filles, si vous passez par ici, exprimez-vous! Mais les autres aussi, ein! *flash dans la tête* Oh! J’ai une idée! Mais je la dit pas, il faut que j’en parle aux filles d’abord…. mmmmmmm…… OUAIS!

Alors, je vous dit Bye tous et à un prochain post

An Immortal Lover

ps: un peu plus et j’oubliais, ohhh la bourre : alors, les adresses pour avoir un aperçu de ce qu’est The Vampire Diaries

  • vidéos

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I’m down with a flu Good thing that it’s just a normal flu
I was worried myself as the time I got the flu, it was only my 3rd day in London
So I called the National Pandemic Flu phoneline (0800 151 3100) just to be on the save side

I was told that I got complication from flu and was given an authorisation number to take the antiviral from the nearby hospital.

I’m glad that I don’t have any classes on Thursday; which is today. If not, I might have to skip it as I was told to stay at home until my body temperature becomes normal again. I’m hoping that I’ll be alright to go to classes tomorrow

I have a lot of things to do (including writing my final year project Project Specification) which is due next Friday, research on the project; NS2, knowing tcl, labVIEW as the front end etc etc
I went to see my supervisor yesterday, so pretty much I got the rough idea about my project now. Hopefully I could remember what he told me before when I’m writing the Project Specification.

I’m actually trying to install NS2 through Cygwin right now haha
It didn’t finish since a few days ago I’m hoping it will today. It always got stuck after 1% done

I miss my carefree life where when I got sick, the only thing I’d do is sleep
But now? I can sleep, but I’d have restless sleep as I will think of the things that need to be done
Either way, I need more rest

Flu go away please!
Man.. I got sick at the busiest time ever!
Hopefully everyone is in good health

p/s: I feel like having nasi lemak lol. Big appetite for someone who’s sick eh? haha