Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Facts of Life

Ok so it’s almost 3:30 in the morning and I am still awake.  I am doing A LOT of thinking about life still so I decided to make a list, because that’s what I do best.  Here is a list of things that I know to be undeniable facts of life (well, of my life anyway).

  • Any bad mood or funk can be reversed by listening to NSync.
  • Chocolate can cure all of the world’s evils…well almost all…
  • Having a song in your head is not such a bad thing, you just have to be conscious of whether or not you are singing it out loud.
  • If you really want to think about or have a real conversation about life, stay up past 2 in the morning.  Something about the early morning hours is condusive to contemplation.
  • Technology is the death of social interaction.  Get off the computer and hug a friend once in a while, it’s really a valuable practice.
  • Having a clean living space helps me concentrate.
  • You can never have too much coffee in a day, but the most important time for coffee is definately in the morning.
  • Crossing stuff of of to-do lists is gratifying, the trouble is that you actually have to get motivated to get the stuff done.
  • Sometimes you don’t need a reason to put on a cute little number and look nice.  Getting dressed should be about what makes you feel good.
  • Listen to your body.  When you’re tired, you should go to sleep, which is what I am going do to right now.

So there you have it, a pointless little entry about life to kill time while I’m getting ready for bed.  That’s all she wrote.

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