Sunday, October 4, 2009


Happy October!!

I love this time of year, and I am getting ready for the change of the seasons and weather. I love how all of a sudden the weather feels and smells crisper and I love how Autumn makes me feel–nostalgic of the summer and past, and excited for all of the coming holidays.

The first week of school was pretty tame, for the most part. I’m still getting adjusted to all the crowds of people on campus, but my classes all seem pretty interesting. The professors, too, actually.

I’m meeting lots of people, and just trying to get back into the grind.

Speaking of which, I MET A DANE!!! I was sitting in the Science and Engineering (S&E) library, studying, when all of a sudden a couple of kids at the table RIGHT BEHIND ME started speaking in Danish. Turns out, the girl was Danish, and the guy was Norwegian. They invited me to lunch with them, and I met an Icelandic girl, and another American girl. They are all mechanical engineer grad students. They were all really nice, and the international students told me that about half of the international students in the program are from Norway, and ~25 Swedes and ~10 Danes are here, too. I am super excited to get to know them and start practicing my Danish again :3

I was planning to study Wednesday evening, but I got a call from Li Yin and Susan, saying that they wanted to hang out. They came over to my place, along with Linda. We (plus Travis) watched “The Swan Princess” while I made banana bread, and then we all watched “Let the Right One In,” this Swedish vampire film. It was really enjoyable. Kind of slow in its pace, but filmed beautifully (loved all the snow; made me miss Scandinavia), and a bit gory. It was a very tastefully done, and BY NO MEANS any sort of lame Twilight rip off. The content was really different, much darker and rawer than most vampire films. At the same time, some of the scenes were very sweet. I enjoyed it a lot. I also enjoyed being able to understand a tiny bit of what they were saying. Hope I didn’t annoy everyone, repeating or translating some of what they said.

On Friday night, Linda, Travis, and I ate at Chipotle, and then went to watch “Zombieland.” I wasn’t too impressed by the trailer/ads for it (it looked too cheesy and mainstream), but I was actually quite impressed with the film. It was darker and funnier than I had expected, and this movie definitely had its moments, too. Some parts were actually kind of profound and touching. I haven’t enjoyed a movie this much in so long! I walked out of the theater with a big smile on my face. Since yesterday, Linda, Travis, and I have been quoting the film constantly, haha! Also, there is a fantastic (and surprising) cameo in the film. I’d gladly watch it again–it was that good!

Afterwards, Linda came back, and we watched “Everything is Illuminated.” We also managed to get Neapolitan milkshakes from In-N-Out RIGHT BEFORE it closed.

Overall, an excellent night :]


Tonight, Linda, Li Yin, Travis, and I went to grab dinner/dessert at Spice and Rice, a Thai restaurant in downtown La Jolla. We then hung out at The Living Room, to smoke a hookah. We chose a raspberry mint flavor for the hookah. It was a lot of fun (even though I reek of tobacco now). It was a really chill night :]

Tomorrow, I’m meeting up with some of my old suite mates from my freshman year. I’m excited to see them, since I haven’t seen some of them in maybe even 2 years!!

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