Saturday, October 10, 2009

Poll Time

So thanks to Carly, I realized that you can make polls on here and I wanted one!  Now this poll is based on a huge and very important question that I have been having with friends lately.  Scarlett Johansson, Hot or Not?  (As you can tell, I have some very intellectual debates with people around me).  Personally, I think she is absolutely gorgeous.  She is one of my celebrity idols based on her style  (very 1940’s-esque and classic)and the fact that she is curvy and still gorgeous!  Oh and have you heard her music collaboration with Pete Yorn? She has a very unique voice too.  Now other people (ahem, Colleen) think she is hideous and I told her we can no longer be friends.  Has anyone seen the new issue of Glamour with her on the front? I suggest you go pick up a copy before voting.  My boyfriend thinks she is “just ok” and I think I smacked him with the glossy Glamour magazine after that comment.  Here is your chance to contribute to this very pressing matter, and I have even provided pictures in case you do not know who she is…(one guy we asked had no clue)

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