Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How do people update all of their thoughts?

My first official meeting with my thesis writing advisor was today. With so much going on, at times it feels like the writing portion of my thesis changes direction daily. I know that I have some worthwhile ideas, but if I can’t explain them out in a thoughtful way it doesn’t really matter how good the ideas are. My writing advisor was very upfront and honest with her thoughts on what I’d written so far. She definitely challenged me in the types of arguments I was making, as well as how I framed my projects. I’ve told my friends before, you can tell a good critique by how much work you feel you have to do afterwards. While I feel I have even more work to do now, I think that it’ll be worthwhile and only strengthen my overall thesis.

This past week I’ve been meeting with more advisors. This was to (1) help me focus on getting some things finished and completed and (2) help me in formalizing my thesis concepts and framing my work for my final grad show and thesis website. Meeting with multiple advisors in a short amount of time can be helpful, but also cause confusion pretty easily. Each advisor is an intelligent, accomplished person in their own field and they offer a legitimate direction on the path that you can take with your projects. From my experience, I think that I work best meeting with one advisor and then taking time to assimilate and mold my projects in response to their critique before meeting with the next advisor. Time constraints and personal schedules left me meeting with 4 different advisors in 6 days. I have 4 different blog entries I’ve started in that time, all going off in different thesis directions.

I need to give myself some time to sort through all of the feedback I’ve gotten (as wonderful and thoughtful as it’s been) to decide which course to take…while also finishing up the App…and building out the installation…and designing the exhibition…and sleeping somewhere in there too.

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